Living Learning Communties

Latin ImagesLatin Images and Identities LLC

Bishop Quad
College Avenue Campus

Latin Images Living-Learning Community seeks to enhance students’ knowledge of the diverse lived experiences of Latinx and other peoples of Latin American and Caribbean descent in the United States. 

Established in 1977 as the Latin Images Special Interest Section, the program was a result of efforts by the Latinx community at Rutgers College to provide an environment for learning of and about Latinx culture and history for Latinx students and non-Latinx students and to celebrate Latinx culture and heritage.

The community has evolved into a living-learning community for those individuals interested in acquiring knowledge of Latin culture through educational, cultural, and social events.

Benefits of the community include exposure and connection to CLAC programming, as well as an exclusive seminar course, Latinidades: Identities and Images, a 1.5 credit LLC seminar for both fall and spring semesters offered through the Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies.

Visit Latin Images LLC

La CasaLa Casa

Jameson Hall
Douglass Campus

The Global Village at Douglass Residential College (DRC) is a supportive, enriching, and dynamic living-learning environment that cultivates creative and innovative approaches to traditional and emerging fields of education and research. With an overarching theme of women and globalization, the Global Village fosters a support through a close-knit network of friends, instructors, and staff, and empowers Douglass students to become leaders in their own right in the classroom, in the community, and beyond. Additionally, students may apply to be a Global Ambassador, a student leader who represents her house to the Global Village community.

La Casa (also known as Casa Hispana) explores the Spanish-speaking world through the study of culture of countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Americas, as well as the U.S. Latinx world. Engage with the rich cultural diversity of Spain, Latin America, the Caribbean, the United States, and Equatorial Guinea, and learn how populations from distinct countries and cultures became portrayed as a single group. With an emphasis on the representations of women’s identity in traditionally Spanish speaking contexts, the majority of the house material and activities is conducted in Spanish.

Visit La Casa at Dougless Residential College