Spanish & Portuguese

Academic Building-CAC
15 Seminary Street, 5th Floor
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1414
Phone: (848) 932-9323

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Rutgers, New Brunswick provides a tradition of academic excellence in graduate and undergraduate education.  Throughout the years, SpanPort has provided students with a strong foundation in the studies of the Spanish and Portuguese language, literature, culture, translation& interpretation and grammar.

Our programs are designed to inspire every student with the ability to learn another language from the elementary level to the most advanced in literature and linguistics with the support of an outstanding and international faculty.  Undergraduate courses offer the opportunity to develop proficiency in speaking, comprehension, reading and writing in Spanish and Portuguese. SpanPort also provides an accelerated track for Spanish majors.  The Spanish Intensive Track  allows students to study both Spanish linguistics and Hispanic Literatue & Cutlure in depth. SpanPort also offers the M.A. in Spanish Literature, Teaching and Translation & Interpreting and the Ph.D. program offers Spanish Literature and Blinigualism & Second Language Acquistion.

Spanport currently administers two travel abroad programs: Spain and Peru.  These programs are completed during summer session. Students participating in study abroad may complete up to nine credits depending on the program and courses chosen.

For more information, visit the departmental website at or contact the departmental chair Dr. Marcy Schwartz at, or undergraduate director Dr. Damaris Otero-Torres at